青苗藝訊 > 新聞及活動 > 2014年8月4及11日 青苗琴行 x 尹俊邦 Greenery Music x Blanc Wan 返回目錄

青苗琴行 x 尹俊邦 Greenery Music x Blanc Wan


主講 Speaker : 尹俊邦 Blanc Wan


第一部份 : 青苗鋼琴教學研討日 Part 1: Greenery Piano Pedagogy Day

第二部份 : 尹俊邦鋼琴大師班 Part 2: Piano Masterclass by Blanc Wan



九龍海庭道 18 號奧海城商場一期 UG08號鋪 (地鐵奧運站A1)

Greenery Music Olympian City Branch

UG08, Olympian City One, 18 Hoi Ting Road, Kowloon (MTR Olympic Exit A1)


青苗誠邀香港國際鋼琴家協會主席、香港國際鋼琴會議藝術總監及英國北方皇家音樂學院校董尹俊邦先生主持鋼琴教學研討日及鋼琴大師班,為本行師生及有興趣人士提供一次難得可貴提升鋼琴教與學的良機,不容錯失!Greenery Music invites Mr. Blanc Wan, the Chairman of Hong Kong International Pianists’ Association, Artistic Director of the Hong Kong International Piano Conference and the Governor of the Royal Northern College of Music to host the Piano Pedagogy Day and Masterclass, providing an invaluable opportunity for our teachers, students and interested public to enhance the quality of piano teaching and learning, don't miss it!


第一部份: 青苗鋼琴教學研討日 Part 1: Greenery Piano Pedagogy Day

上午講座以鋼琴教學理論為重點,包括有關如何為學生挑選合適的樂曲、技巧、姿勢及練習等等。導師可利用午膳時間與尹俊邦先生交流。下午的工作坊則以實踐和互動為主,邀請本行導師積極報名為演示者,親身體會和感受尹先生深厚的鋼琴教學法及獨特見解,以及吸取其他導師的新意念,而旁聽導師亦可從中觀摩學習,提升及領受更高層次的音樂氛圍。Piano pedagogy, related theories, common issues such as selecting the appropriate repertoire for students, techniques, postures, exercises and more will be covered in the morning session. Participants can exchange their ideas with Mr. Blanc Wan during the lunch time. In the afternoon session, theory is interactively put into practice while current piano tutors will be presenting their own teaching approaches and receiving precious comments and recommendations from Mr. Wan and the fellow tutors, who observe and absorb new ideas and enhance their musicianship too.


對象 Who should attend:本行現職鋼琴及其他樂器導師  Current Piano & Other Instrumental Tutors at Greenery Music


日期 Date:2014年8月4日(一), Mon, 4 August 2014

時間 Time:10:30am – 2:30pm

只限15位 Limited to 15 participants only


日程 Itinerary:

10:00am – 10:30am 登記及聯誼 Registration and Networking

10:30am – 12:00pm 教學法講座 Pedagogy Lecture

12:00pm – 1:00pm   午膳(自費)Lunch (self-paid)

1:00pm – 2:30pm     現職鋼琴導師互動工作坊 Interactive Workshop for Current Piano Tutors

演示導師 – 只限2位現職青苗鋼琴導師,先到先得。為豐富學習內容,請獲選的演示導師準備一首ATCL或Dip ABRSM程度樂曲,以巴洛克/古典時期或浪漫派為佳。Tutor Presenter - limited spaces for 2 current Greenery Music Piano tutors. To enrich the learning programme, each selected Tutor Presenter is advised to prepare a Baroque/Classical or Romantic Period piece at ATCL/Dip ABRSM level.


每位費用 Fee Per Person:

7月28日或之前早報優惠 On or before 28 July Early bird discount

參加者 Participant: HK$100*

工作坊演示導師#  Workshop Tutor Presenter: 免費 Free


*可獲青苗琴行禮卷HK$50一張, 可於完成第一部份後領取。禮卷不能兌換現金。 Entitled to receive one Greenery Music voucher worths HK$50 after finishing Part 1. Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash. 


7月29日至當天報名 Registration after 29 July and Walk-in

參加者 Participant: HK$100

工作坊演示導師 Workshop Tutor Presenter: 免費 Free



第二部份: 尹俊邦鋼琴大師班 Part 2: Piano Masterclass by Blanc Wan

由尹俊邦先生親自點評學生的演奏,提供有效的建議及演繹方法,以臻世界級的演奏水平。旁聽生亦可從中觀摩學習。機會難逢!Hosted by Mr. Blanc Wan, he will comment on students' performances and give useful suggestions and interpretation ideas, paving the way to reach world-class performance level. Observers will be benefited as well. Don't miss it!

主持 Speaker:尹俊邦先生 Mr. Blanc Wan

對象 Who should attend:本行鋼琴、其他樂器導師、學生、家長及公眾人士 Current Piano, Other Instrumental Tutors, Students, their Parents at Greenery Music and the Public


日期 Date:2014年8月11日(一), Mon, 11 August 2014

時間 Time:2:00pm – 5:00pm 


時間表 Schedule:

1:30pm – 2:00pm 登記及聯誼 Registration and Networking

2:00pm – 5:00pm 大師班^ Masterclass^ 

 ^演奏學生- 只限3位現就讀之青苗鋼琴學生, 程度須為G6或以上。Masterclass Performer - limited spaces for 3 current Greenery Music Piano students at G6 or above. 

活動內容查詢 Enquiries on Events: 2408 8188, jennifer@greenerymusic.com

主辦者保留更改節目權利,而不作另行通知。The organizer reserves the right to change the programme without further notice. 

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